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Spoiler Tags

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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
If you don't already know what a spoiler tag is, I feel bad for you, and you need to browse more forums. They make things prettier and easier to post, as they can contain large images or lengthy reads. It essentially works like this:

Words you want to hide go here. You can click a button to toggle whether this shows or not.

These would be awesome, and would be nice to have for games like Score Attack and Mafia, or just large images. I don't think this would be too hard to implement. Thank you for your time.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
If you want spoiler tags just for the condensing of large blocks of post content, use the quote tags. If you want the spoiler tag for what they were actually intended, hiding spoilers, that I can get behind. A long while back, a forum I visited allowed CSS scripts in posts. With that, people were able to set the background color and font of a section of text the same to hide spoilers...we also were able to change any image on the page that we posted to as well as a few other things...so that got disabled after a while.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
If you want spoiler tags just for the condensing of large blocks of post content, use the quote tags. If you want the spoiler tag for what they were actually intended, hiding spoilers, that I can get behind. A long while back, a forum I visited allowed CSS scripts in posts. With that, people were able to set the background color and font of a section of text the same to hide spoilers...we also were able to change any image on the page that we posted to as well as a few other things...so that got disabled after a while.
The problem with this is that you can't quote a post you've already created. For Score Attack, I can't quote my starting post because it's the first one in the thread. It could be used for hiding spoilers as well. It just adds more to the forums.

Also, the quoting here is kind of ugly anyways.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I can quote the original post:

If you don't already know what a spoiler tag is, I feel bad for you, and you need to browse more forums. They make things prettier and easier to post, as they can contain large images or lengthy reads. It essentially works like this:
Words you want to hide go here. You can click a button to toggle whether this shows or not.

These would be awesome, and would be nice to have for games like Score Attack and Mafia, or just large images. I don't think this would be too hard to implement. Thank you for your time.
There might be a way to use the BB editor version of posting to do it, but I haven't had to memorize common BB codes in a LONG time.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Personally, I think spoiler tags really only should be used for spoilers. They are by far a lot worse looking than a quote or code box. Have a lot to say? Then say it all and just spend some time with the formatting to make it easier for people to read. Images taking up a lot of post space? Then add them as attachments to the post rather than to the body of the post. If you can't figure out attachments, post a link to where you're hosting them at.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Sren, it doesn't matter how much I format Score Attack. Sure, it looks nice as is, but it still takes forever to scroll down the page or find what you're looking for. Attaching large images can work some of the time, but if used, it may well be out of context (also, the editing feature for attachments is rather buggy). That isn't any good. Why bother putting the pictures in as attachments only to have your readers be confused?

I've already said it, but the Spoiler Tags can serve a number of functions, one of which is it's original intended use. It is simply easier to have it available as a multi-purpose tool.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, that's the danger of starting something that requires your users to post images :p

I'm not saying I'm against the spoiler tag (I have had a few occasions where I would have liked to use it), I'm just saying that there are existing tools that do the same thing that you are looking to have it added for.


Oct 26, 2013
Spoiler tags are actually available in the latest release of xenforo 1.3 unfortunately i can't update the forum yet until all the mods have been updated.
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