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    Server IP: zero.minr.org 

    Java Version: 1.21.3

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Pronouns in /whois


Jul 12, 2020
Hello! A while ago, a discussion about ways to get people's pronouns in game was had in zero. My takeaway was that this was a popular idea but I don't remember ever coming to a consensus on a good way to implement it. I think adding an optional tag to /whois with fixed options for players to input would be a good solution to this and a great QoL change overall. As for which pronouns to include, I think following the options in #roles is fine.

also anrein did have this idea first but it was unfortunately glossed over in zero :(


Boring Turtle
Jan 5, 2014
Slightly off topic but still related due to the point that I think /whois is way too cluttered right now - do we *need* all the additional info on /whois that we can already get from /c cp or /c points or /ch hexa? Feels very redundant but I'm not sure if players actually find it helpful? Opinions?

If pronouns are added to whois, might as well edit some of the other whois stuff along with it.
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May 10, 2021
it feels like a great quality of life change, along with the removal of extra non needed things
there are a lot of things on the whois that can be seen through c points, all the bottom 4 lines could be removed imo

could even say go above and beyond by making it a personal thing where players can add a little quote or something similar to the forums, makes it feel like a profile over just info about the player, just my 2 cents :)


Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
Personally I don't think it feels too cluttered, I really like being able to see all the information about points and current map in one place. I think pronouns would be a cool addition. I disagree about quotes however, as it would require a certain element of trust with players to write something suitable for the server, which we can't necessarily have with people who haven't been around for very long.


i hate the word content
Oct 7, 2021
if someone writes something fucked up in a quote or pronouns it would be treated the same as chat and they'd be punished for it, although i do see how the barrier of entry is lower and would inspire people to be maybe more vigilant than they otherwise would be


Still Alive
Mar 26, 2016
it could be similar to how pronouns roles in the discord server work; where u can only choose from:
  • he/him
  • she/her
  • they/them
  • any
  • ask
and just have a command to set it up in game (and maybe just a placeholder when someone does /whois, something like “pronouns: this user hasn’t specified”)

as for the cluttering,,,,, ya, i agree with Reb, when i do /whois i rly just wanna figure out their past names, rank when they first joined the server, and when they last joined the server


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
The thought that comes to mind when I look at this request is 'Why should we spend time developing this when Discord already has all these features?'

Discord already has profile customization, a section for pronouns and a quote, etc.

I'm not opposed to the idea, but it's my opinion that development time could be better spent elsewhere.


i hate the word content
Oct 7, 2021
The thought that comes to mind when I look at this request is 'Why should we spend time developing this when Discord already has all these features?'

Discord already has profile customization, a section for pronouns and a quote, etc.
View attachment 10782

I'm not opposed to the idea, but it's my opinion that development time could be better spent elsewhere.
I do agree that dev time could be spent elsewhere because people can just ask- and that this isn't a top priority, however plenty of people aren't on the discord or haven't filled out their pronouns in minr or their profiles, and having people tab out of the game to open a different application, find the minr server, and then use the search to find someones account is a very long path which doesn't facilitate easy communication