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Mineco Issue

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Mar 1, 2015
Well, after looking for about 10 minutes, I can't find an official bug report area. Maybe I'm just blind. Anyway, Mineco was recently updated, replacing wooden doors with iron doors. Not much of an issue at first glance, but because this map is very speed-runnable, many people to perfect times *cough* Cory *cough*. These times are now impossible to replicate because of the door change. Please fix!


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Imo, the speed runners would be unhappy to have their times wiped.
On the other hand, it is kinda an exploit to do such a thing.

Btw, http://forums.minr.org/forums/the-helpdesk.45/

From what I was told, Mineco was originally meant to be played without sprinting.
So you could just wipe the times ( :( ) and make 2 script blocks on the plates at the start that give u extreme hunger so u cant sprint.


Nov 5, 2013
Imo, the speed runners would be unhappy to have their times wiped.
On the other hand, it is kinda an exploit to do such a thing.

Btw, http://forums.minr.org/forums/the-helpdesk.45/

From what I was told, Mineco was originally meant to be played without sprinting.
So you could just wipe the times ( :( ) and make 2 script blocks on the plates at the start that give u extreme hunger so u cant sprint.
Not the point.
If one map does this, ALL pre-sprint maps will have to do this. We'd lose 90% of blue maps and we'd have a bunch of red maps (*cough* mob parkour).

I don't see how one door affects a map so much.


Nov 18, 2013
I count everything that's not 'logical' (damage-jumping up 2 blocks, using the 'wooden door glitch', rocketing, calling) illegal for times. Anything 'logical' (shortcuts that could save a load of time) would be allowed. Shortcuts do mean a shorter junp or route not using any of the glitches.
I've seen way too many people use that glitch, which theoretically rendered one area useless. If any of these glitches are found (like the lava in library) REPORT THEM, instead of exploiting them. With a combination of exploiting (even rocket) and trying to let me believe the timersystem doesn't work, you might be able to guess why I get angry sometimes.

For the 'never meant to use sprint', that was either in HC(nostalgia(?)) or back when we couldn't sprint yet. Currently it's perfectly fine to sprint in those maps(while nonsprinting would be more challenging).


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Reverting a change made to prevent exploitation of a bug because people cannot replicate speed run timings is not a valid argument. If there was something that made the map impossible, that would be a valid point.
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