I also agree, hc is a ittle too hard, but I dont think the solution is going back to the 7 course system is the best option, Ill post my idea of a layout soon
Server IP: zero.minr.org
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Welcome to one of the oldest Minecraft servers and communities in the world! Zero.minr.org dates back over 14 years and has been consistently providing endless hours of fun and excitement for players from all over the globe. With an uptime of 99%, you can count on us to be here for you whenever you're in the mood for some challenging minecraft parkour, puzzles and mazes.
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Greens don't have to build maps. You can be a green without building a map your entire life and that doesn't make greens who have built 10 maps better than you. So I have to disagree with that.I think there should be a sort of build test where the blue that finished hc get temporary build rights in a small area to build a pk/puzzle/maze and the mods+ can vote if it is good enough. if it is, they are greened.
<btw this is my first time using quotes>@rmanimal Sra? Pretty sure is not a red... I think you're thinking of Shri Tra Savern, which indeed is a red, but sra I think is an orange. Regardless the mazes and parkours were picked not off the rating they received but the difficulty I saw fit.
End of the world: Confusing parkour map, that a while to find the right path but once its found its not THAT hard to do, plus its the first one after the checkpoint which makes it a bit easier to do.
Tower Parkour: I kept this one because I had it when I was getting green and really REALLY loved the parkour on the map, but I could see it being a bit too hard for HC all the same.
Fungus: While yes it is a bit trolly, it requires you to think outside the box, so perhaps it might actually be better in the puzzle/parkour category, but I put it in the maze because it has a legit maze at the end
Aquarium: I could indeed but this at the end, but that would require me to find a new map for HC2 which TBH I have no clue what that would be. I personally think aquarium isn't that hard, just really long. Then again, I shouldn't be the almighty judge here.
I'll look into switching its placement in the system
Ghidora: It's a FANTASTIC map, but I did not know it was broken, so yea...
Construction: Not that hard of a map, just super duper long![]()
I know it sounds like I just want it easier, but the first red flag to this should be I stated I wanted it to stay as is, as I said in an earlier post (#44)Maybe in your own words I should tell you that I (among others) have said multiple times that only blues have said that, which again I say were attempts to make it easier for themselves, not to make it better, hence why I don't count those as valid arguments.
I am aware of that, but the point was that we've made hc far too hard for whats its worth. People who CLEARLY aren't going to grief *cough* TheForgottenUser *cough* cannot and will not ever be green just because the system is too hardThe main reason of HC being so hard is that even is a grifer decides to grief the server, when he finish's HC he's gona be like "man, all this work just to get banned for grifing, forget it i'll just play normally" in resume making people realise that after all that, grifing is not worth it