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1.20 Broken Maps

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Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
Hi all,

So for those who have not seen, Minecraft 1.20 is adding a HUGE change to the way blocks work. Standing on the edge of effect blocks such as magma, slime or honey will no longer work as a way to avoid their effects. Certain maps on Minr therefore will become impossible or at the very least, change mechanically rather drastically from how they were originally intended to be played.

I decided to create this thread as a dedicated place to list maps that will be broken by the new update so it is easier for admins to work out exactly what needs changing/removing from FFA upon this update being released. This is NOT a discussion thread for the new update. Please do so elsewhere so this thread is organised with just maps that need editing.

Things that might become impossible include: Jumping off honey, soulsand 3+1s or various other jumps off soulsand. Parkour on slimes maybe?

EDIT: Link to the official bugpost is: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1133

EDIT 2: I have made a google sheet where I will input every map that people suggest. Link to that is here.
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Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
I'll start with some ones I have found.

Magisterium: Ash, Heartless, Spelunk all have half heart magma parkour.

Box 16, Air Haven I believe requires the player to jump off honey, from the top/sides.

Thrice no longer has working failsafes.

[Sheol] ? I think that might have magma parkour in the last room, but I can't remember precisely.
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From Earth
May 20, 2022
Psyche has soulsand that I'd be surprised if it's still possible with this change
also has magma blocks which may make a no regen challenge with psyche in called They can't get worse way harder possibly impossible idk


i hate the word content
Oct 7, 2021
-Fusion Parkour (thanks rman) has a soul sand 3+1 in it
-MC:BM required honey block jumps at cp3
-The Train honey themed traincar
-Trek theres a soul sand to block lava neo with gap that i don't think would be possible, most other jumps i found were poss from the middle of the block, needs more investigation

failsafes in Zarklin Ruins are impossible/much harder
World Two-ur soul sand jumps are def dodgy, i think they might still be poss without the extra boost


Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
Ragnarok has a soulsand neup in CP4, might be others in other places that I don't know of since I haven't beaten cp4 haha


Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
In rainbows
What specifically will break in In Rainbows? I don't remember it having any honey or half heart magma or anything else that's going to break.

In addition, I should probably add that even if the jumps are still possible, if they are buffed significantly by this change we should make a note of it, since a significant buff could have an effect on the map's overall difficulty.


Nov 18, 2013
What specifically will break in In Rainbows? I don't remember it having any honey or half heart magma or anything else that's going to break.

In addition, I should probably add that even if the jumps are still possible, if they are buffed significantly by this change we should make a note of it, since a significant buff could have an effect on the map's overall difficulty.
It has a low HP/hunger section with damage avoidance if I remember correctly. I think cp2?


Jan 16, 2023
MC:BM cp4 or cp5 (don't remember for sure, it's right after you find the big mac) has a jump where you need to get out of a two block ceiling and jump from the edge from soul sand to avoid the effect. It's a close jump, definitely not possible with a slow from soul sand.


Bird Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2019
I remember seeing soul sand jumps in Biome Parkour and World Two-Ur, though it's been a long time since I've actually played those maps so I'm not sure if they're an issue.

EDIT: I forgot Biome Parkour was valleyed... I still think it should be fixed regardless as to not make it impossible.
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Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
Hollow should be minimally affected, if at all. No jumps rely on jumping from honey, only sliding, which should not be changed.


New Fish
Jul 23, 2022
Air Haven is a parkour map with a part where you have to go through this wooden tunnel full of honey. On it you have to parkour on top of honey. In the first picture you can see there is only one path to success as pointed out by the arrow and lack of other paths in the tunnel. In the second figure you can see where you would have to go and how you would need to negate the sticky honey effect to traverse forward.
Screenshot 2023-07-02 121506.png
Screenshot 2023-07-02 121801.png


Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
I believe this is already on the sheet? See the master post for the link to it to see which maps have already been reported :)
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