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Warped 2 Virtually Impossible

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Lemony Girl
Apr 30, 2020
I beat this map. I only beat this map because the person I was doing it with stayed in the room that wouldn't load to make sure it would stay loaded so we could actually beat the map. The fact of the matter is, if that is what you have to do to beat the map, either it should be co-op or it needs to be fixed so that chunk loading isn't an issue. It just makes it impossible to do the map on your own, or virtually so anyways.


Lemony Girl
Apr 30, 2020
Merc has reminded me (my partner) that he has literally perfect ping, and it still takes a solid 5-7 seconds to load without anyone else in there.


Lemony Girl
Apr 30, 2020
It does but nothing clearly has been fixed or changed so something needs to happen?


Lemony Girl
Apr 30, 2020
My opinion is that unless the chunk loading can be fixed or mark it as co-op this map needs to be taken out of ffa, it honestly should be just to attempt to fix the problem, but as it stands right now it just doesn’t work correctly and that isn’t ok.


Active Player
May 23, 2019
It worked fine for me when tested, I also started a couple downloads to increase my ping.


Lemony Girl
Apr 30, 2020
Ok, but that doesn’t matter if it isn’t working for at least one person. If a map is broken for one person minimum it shouldn’t be in ffa.


Nightmare Connoisseur
Jul 20, 2020
To corroborate Chloe's experience:

I beat the map tonight as well, and it was only possible because she was able to ensure certain problematic rooms were preloaded (by standing in them as I attempted the map). It's extremely telling that the only other recent completions of this map were done in large groups.

There was one room in particular that also consistently failed to load for me, opting to put me in that "there's no immediate blocks around me and I'm bobbing up and down just waiting" hell for too long to successfully continue the run. Additionally, about 30% of the time, the starting room of Warped 2 would result in the same load limbo, tanking the attempt in one frustrating swoop.

Big flex incoming, but the issue is definitely not client side; my gaming desktop is heckin' jacked, I've got an ethernet cable right next to the modem from ~1 gig Internet service that has always been awesome for us, and I took the additional steps of lowering my graphical settings to potato while also lowering my chunk loading distance by ~60%. Nothing I did on my end mitigated the fact that the server-related load issues and the fundamental nature of the map were borked to the point of requiring at least one other player to complete the run.

It probably would't be accurate to apply the "co-op" tag to this map at least in the way it's usually meant—as an intended feature and not a bug workaround—but I'm not sure what else to suggest short of something entirely drastic like FFA removal. The warping is the issue.


Active Player
Feb 27, 2016
Taking this map out of FFA is not what it needs, and is impractical. Yes this map is extremely, and I mean extremely hard with high ping / low tps, virtually impossible. However - We all know I have atrocious ping, but on 20 tps I was able to beat this map solo. It took me 4 hours with a route (a harder one, cry). So this map is possible with high ping (mine sits at around 300-350 normally). You just need to be doing the map at the right time (good tps). Or know the route perfectly. Taking it out of FFA or labelling it as co-op is not a solution, nor is it needed (the extremity of it at least).


Well-Known Player
Oct 26, 2017
I thought this at first aswell, this was until Sulldas informed us that we had come up with a new solution all together. Upon trying the actual solution I realized it was not nearly as tight as the route we took.

All the curses I threw at my screen could've been avoided if I had stumbled upon the correct solution.

The issues of chunk loading made our solution a bunch harder.

In conclusion, if the right route is taken then the solution is extremely doable.

I think this map is just fine as is, it can be frustrating at times but overall works and is just fine.


Active Player
May 18, 2020
I would like to add that as someone who also did it solo, decreasing one's render distance to 2 makes a significant difference in loading times


off the rails!!
Jul 26, 2019
The only reason why I said it resembled something similar to a client side issue is due to a previous circumstance like this popping up. Over a year ago, fire and mutt were both inching down grid hopper times, but noticed that certain squares in particular never seemed to load in time for them to be able to pull off the fastest plausible run. Their solution was to have me stand in a certain trouble square theoretically allowing it to be loaded in by the time they got there. The result... wasn't surefire. At times there was still a difficulty in loading in that specific chunk regardless of whether it was loaded in for me or not. I feel as if the strategy of having someone waiting in a chunk for you yields such uncertain results that it's near placebo based on if it works or not in a 'fast teleport' scenario. This is just due to firsthand experience of course and I could be wrong, but that's what I've noted.
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