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Warning for 1.19.4 Parkour Changes

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Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
Hello everybody,

Many of you are already aware of the pk changes in 1.19.4, but I thought that I should make thread for it to address a few specific issues.
The first thing that I will address is the changes themselves. The exact details are not known because the changes were not listed in any changelog, official or unoffical, or the list of bugfixes in the update that I could find. However, through some testing, the change seems to be this: whenever a player starts sprinting mid-air (regardless of their previous movement, whether nothing, backwards, strafe, or sprintless forwards), the player moves faster than previously. Some examples are: max fmm overshoots with 1st, c4.5 requires sprint 1t later, pessi strats (mostly ones involving many air ticks, so 1b 2bc mm pessi strats are mostly unchanged) may need different setups or strats, etc.
In most cases besides fairly precise strats (such as many bwmms and possibly wall backwalled 4+0.4375), previous strats can be used with just sprint 1t later then previously. For example, fmm can be used after 1st with 2t sprint. In many other cases, the setup can be slightly adjusted to work with the previous strats. For example, max fmm can be used from the back edge of a block, or .055 forwards for more precise jumps.
Now I would like to address examples of this affecting maps. Although many valley maps are affected, the only jump that I have found that may have been changed and I have not verified is wall backwalled 4+0.4375 (a jump in wfspk), though I have not yet found a strat or setup that I am sure to be optimal, and I have always been bad at this double 45. I believe that this jump is still possible. I do not believe any of these maps require changing. The more important issue is that of Lonesome, jump 19. The strat listed currently is as follows: "shift to back, headhitter time backwards, hold s for 2 ticks, then let go and hold w. Sprint jump forwards, and jump again when you land." There are two things wrong with this strat. First, it was ambiguous at best in 1.19.3: bwhh is hh time backwards with s, then either 1: release s 1t after jump, wait 1t, then hold w, tap space before last jump, or 2: hold s for the first 2 ticks of the jump but press w 2t after jump (so w and s are pressed at the same time for 1t), let go of s, tap space before last jump. I also have problems with the ambiguous notation "4.5" but that is mostly irrelevant here. The big problem is that the strat no longer works in 1.19.4 because it involves starting sprinting mid-air. Luckily, there are several strats which still do, including a modified bwhh. The first is 2t at an angle, turning to 0 degrees the tick of jump or shortly after. Another is bw burst 2t (hold shift, press s for some time, optimally 2t, then let go while holding shift for 1t, unshift and wait for 1t, then 2t forwards). Another is some pessi, tap space (possibly sprintless for the first tick) at some setup, though I have never used it myself due to the annoying setup and unintuitive (for me) timing. Another is to do 1 optimal ast (air shift tap not near the end of the jump) and then 2t but strafe for the first tick of the timing. Then there are two strats similar to bwhh which work. The first is bwhh but strafe the tick before landing the first jump (this was previously used for 1 px less mm; also I am only fairly sure that this is the correct strat, I just know that it works). The other is to do bwhh, but do the first tick of the forwards timing sprintless, and one must use the wait 1t strat (I think; I cannot be sure though). I recommend that the strat be changed, if not now, then if an issue report is filed and marked as won't fix or works as intended. The video should also be changed, as it shows keystrokes.
Also keep in mind that this could be a bug that Mojang intends to fix, possibly in 1.20 or perhaps later. So, although I urge everyone to get used to the new strats, also perhaps don't forget the old ones, for in the case that it is changed back.

Pk is changed, so some jumps need different strats or setups, and I recommend that the strat for the 19th jump of Lonesome be changed, as it is (more) incorrect now.


Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
A few notes:
1: No maps are impossible by this change (unless I missed something)
2: I just verified wall backwalled 4+0.4375 so wfspk shouldn't be a problem


Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
I also suggest that the strats that need changing in the map "Backwards" (code bwmm) be changed as well, but no jumps were made impossible and the map is in the valley, so this is, of course, very low priority.


Nov 18, 2013
My guess is that it's somehow caused by the packet bundles causing certain packets to be processed in the same client tick when they weren't before. So that makes sense with what Jaabus said.
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