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Troll books at /warp r

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Nov 5, 2013
I wake up this morning, come on, decide to write a book at /warp r for changing the rating of Funky Town and I find these in the empty frames. This is about the second time I see this happen. Last time @rickyboy320 removed the books.

Both books are written by @rockinravens.

I'm not going to touch these books, because I am pretty sure despite of the trolls it would still be griefing. I (and I hope I'm not the only one) would really really appreciate if stuff like this isn't written in books here, ever. The blank frames are there for an actual book to be put there once someone needs to put one, in my case a book for Funky Town.The books are for suggesting map ratings, not someone's personal troll stories.

/end rant


Dec 18, 2013
I feel like the large influx of greens are maybe not taking things as seriously as they should be taken... :(
(Im not endorsing this at all - but i actually did leave school to go see jurassic world....)

EDIT: i realised this sounds bad - tbh i like loads of the new greens and its not their fault at all :p


That Greenie That Doesn't Really Do Anything
Jun 20, 2015
I dont think this is that big of a deal but still...

Also why does it say I am a whitey?


That Greenie That Doesn't Really Do Anything
Jun 20, 2015
how do i do that ._.

Another question... Am I the only one who can't join the server right now?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
It may not seem like a big deal to you, but considering how many other things the people who review the books have to do, even one troll book takes precious time away from serious reviews. A certain level of common sense has come to be expected from the members of the community. We hate it when we find that we overestimated people.


Nov 5, 2013
It may not seem like a big deal to you, but considering how many other things the people who review the books have to do, even one troll book takes precious time away from serious reviews. A certain level of common sense has come to be expected from the members of the community. We hate it when we find that we overestimated people.
The simple fact that normal greens like us are even trusted with that board to help to improve the course rating system is honestly a miracle to me. It's common sense that we shouldn't break that trust.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I'm not saying I agree with rock's choice, I'm just pointing out that it's not worth getting mad over. Stuff this small takes more time and effort to complain about than to fix.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Actually, electro, taking the time "to get mad" over it is required, or else it repeats. By taking the time to make it known that it is not okay to do, it has the potential to avoid even more time lost cleaning it up in the future. And I am not just saying that to prove a point, I have seen it as the case time and time again in my time on forums.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Actually, electro, taking the time "to get mad" over it is required, or else it repeats. By taking the time to make it known that it is not okay to do, it has the potential to avoid even more time lost cleaning it up in the future. And I am not just saying that to prove a point, I have seen it as the case time and time again in my time on forums.
Fair enough.
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